Recommended Exercise Equipment
With 30+ years of experience working with clients, we have found the simplest exercise equipment to use during your virtual exercise sessions are listed below. Once you have spoken with your Senior Wellness Specialist and completed your 14-point Virtual Strength Assessment, you can discuss what equipment you will need for your sessions. Just click on any of the images below and you will be taken directly to to order each piece.
Should you have any questions, please reach out to Steve Satin at 508-341-6697.

Exercise Mat - 2 Inches Thick
BalanceFrom 2” Thick Tri-Fold Exercise Mat

One, Two, Three, Five, Eight and Ten Pound Pair - Handweights
Soft Neoprene Coated Handweights – One Pound, Two, Three, Five, Eight and Ten Pound Pair

Adjustable Resistance Tubes with Handles
Coobans Resistance Tubes

Ankle Resistance Tubes
Spri - Xercuff - Resistance Tubes – Light, Medium to Heavy Resistance
From $15.00 - $20.00

Adjustable Ankle Weights
IronWear - 10 pound pair - 2 five pound ankle weights - A1050

Stability Ball
Theraband Stability Ball